Ruggedly Designed Solutions

Unattended environments require durable products that are able to weather extreme outside conditions while still being able to properly function. ID TECH tests our products in the hottest desert temperatures and the coldest snowy temperatures before releasing them. As such, our products have the durability to withstand nearly all weather conditions.

Secure & Reliable Solutions

Data breaches from a payment security lapse can result in losing customers and millions of dollars in income for the company involved. However, ID TECH offers a number of SRED compliant devices that offer advanced data encryption while keeping merchant environments safe. Additionally, all of our products have the latest security certifications to protect cardholder data traveling in vulnerable transaction environments. Adopting a solution from ID TECH will decrease the chance of a data breach while maintaining the expectation of quick ATM transactions.

Easy to Use Solutions

ATM vendors may have specific proprietary requirements or support unique proprietary

functionality, while consumers prize payment solutions that are as quick as possible while still keeping their data secure. These solutions are important because they add value to consumer transactions by emphasizing easy screen interactions, increasing payment options and decreasing the time spent at an ATM. ID TECH’s Kiosk IV NFC contactless solution can be added to ATMs to provide an additional payment option that is easy to use and supports the latest trends in payment technologies.

Featured Products

7 Features Parking Businesses Should Consider When Shopping for Payment Solutions

In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is vital. And nowhere is this more apparent than in the parking industry. Whether it’s a bustling urban center or a sprawling suburban complex, providing a seamless parking experience is essential. As businesses and municipalities seek to streamline operations and enhance the user experience, the choice of payment solutions becomes increasingly critical. But with a myriad of options available, how do you know which features truly matter? 

Innovate, Connect, Inspire: Our Story at the NAMA Show 2024

The bustling city of Dallas served as the backdrop for an exhilarating showcase of the latest technology and innovation in the convenience services industry at the NAMA Show 2024, and we were thrilled to be at the heart of it all!

Revolutionizing Vehicle Commerce: Insights from EV Charging Summit & Expo

Welcome to the forefront of innovation in vehicle commerce! At ID TECH, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the electric vehicle (EV) industry.